SHORT FILM | Le Déjeuner

Mexico | 2010 | 5 min | Color | 16:9 | French

Constance Aupetit | Giulia Manini | Juliette Charron

Photographed & edited by
Ioannes Busca

Music by
Jean Jacques Goldman ‘Je te donne’
Ⓒ1989 Sony Music Entertainment (France)

Shot in Mexico City, October 2010

There is no better time to share with your friends than breakfast, especially when studying abroad.

An unexpected, improvised performance by Constance, Giulia and Juliette shot in Mexico City for CAMPUS MOVIE FEST, a competition that took place on October 2010. There were some rules to follow in the competition, but when editing, it was prioritized to maintain the veracity of the moment before anything else, what caused the film to be disqualified for making use of copyrighted music.