I have been trying to get Katsuhiro Otomo's KABA artbook for a long time, but after a while I started thinking that it wouldn't be reprinted anymore. But today, suddenly, it appeared on sale, so I immediately order it. The art book collects illustrations created by Otomo from 1971 to 1989 and has English and Japanese texts. The problem with ordering to Amazon Japan is that shipping costs are not cheap so it's always more convenient to order more than one item, this way the price of shipping per item goes down. I ended up ordering another art book, this one about the film Millennium Actress by Satoshi Kon. A beautiful book with some English texts.
Update: I don't know what happened with KABA but even I ordered on March, it din't ship until two months later. By June the book was in my hands and its gorgeous.

ISBN: 978-4063050042
Release Date: 1989/9/1
Chiyoko Millennial Actress Special Edition

ISBN: 978-4902948028
Release Date: 2002/10/10