The year 2000 comes to it's end and we finally decided it's time for a computer. The basque government gives a 45.000 pts discount so our parents have bought us a PC tower. Here the specs and a pic of the monitor:

Pentium III 800Mhz Processor
Savage 32MB AGP graphics card
20GB Hard Drive
2USB ports
10XDVD unit
17inch Samtron 75E CRT 1280x1024
Price: 243.000pts (discount of 45.000pts) = 198.000pts>1190€ the EUR to USD Currency Exchange Rate is appropriately 1€>1.1$ (in late 2000) so that will be approx.1300USD* That was a ton of money for those years in our house.
I'm writing this in march 2012 so is really great to see how much everything has changed in a decade. My brother and I knew nothing about computers those days, and now everything we do is related with them. For example, in my laptop I draw with a Wacom, I edit videos, I write, I post, I stay tuned to wha´s going on in the world with Internet, I watch videos online and I work and speak with my brother, who precisely has become an Telecommunications engineer in this period of time.
Today techies are already talking about the post-PC era. I just hope things will change to better as much as they have in the last years.
*if we adjusted with the inflation to the day this post is written, March 2012, $1,300USD in 2000 had the same buying power as $1,743.16USD in 2012.