The Hobbit movie trailer has been released recently and I just saw this production video on YouTube today. It's always great to see the behind scenes of the cast and crew, especially on those huge productions. I still remember when I first started to watch this kind of stuff when got internet at home for the first time. Star Wars Episode II On Location's where hitting the net thanks to a colaboration betwen Lucasfilms and Apple. A long time ago, in a galaxy not so far away in the pre-YouTube days.
A daily archive of our latest news, projects and everything that inspires us and reflects in our work at AA&NN Ltd.
3D sound with professor Choueiri
Sunday, December 04, 2011
It's great to see that people around the world is constantly inventing and re-inventing stuff. This video remembered me something I read about not so long ago, Hypersonic sound featured on some Blu-rays, at technology invented by Shoji Yamashiro the guy behind the awesome OST of anime film AKIRA written and directed by Katsuhiro Otomo. Here the official Yamashiro's page where Hypersonic effect is explained.
AMERICAN EXPRESS "My Life, My Card" directed by Wes Anderson
Thursday, December 01, 2011
Video info:
Anderson starred in and directed an American Express "My Life, My Card" commercial, which chronicled the "filming" of an action movie starring Jason Schwartzman. Anderson acts as if he is being interviewed by someone from American Express for the ad, while walking around completing tasks on set, a scene paying homage to the movie "Day for Night" by Francois Truffaut. It was aired on television and in movie theaters in both a short and extended version, during and shortly after the theatrical 2004 release of "The Life Aquatic: with Steve Zissou".
Jobs, Einstein & Franklin by Walter Isaacson
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
This days, I'm reading more than ever on my kindle . I just finished Steve Jobs Biography by Walter Isaacson and decided to start reading Albert Einstein's and Benjamin Franklin's biographies, all by the same author. I had a good time with Jobs' bio, I read it on in front of the computer, pausing here and there, to check out pictures and keynotes of the time, to have a better idea of what was going on in each moment. It's an enhanced reading. I believe, that if you read it on an iPad that would be an even greater experience.
●Steve Jobs US / ES / JP
●Einstein: His Life and Universe US / ES / JP
●Benjamin Franklin: An American Life US / ES / JP
ART & COPY directed by Doug Pray
Sunday, November 27, 2011
I was looking for Lee Clow's work in the net, the guy responsible for the classic Apple 1984 commercial. And I came upon with the documentary Art and Copy directed by Doug Pray about the revolution of advertisement and marketing. It's available on DVD.
The Making of MUYBRIDGE'S STRINGS by Koji Yamamura
Friday, November 25, 2011
I first heard about Koji Yamamura when, in a late night cultural program in spanish TV, his short film Atama Yama was broadcasted. I instantly found something special in that beautifully animated tale. Since then, I continue this director work closely. For what I have read, in its last work Muybridge's string, Yamamura deals with the notion of time and the discovery of the animation as a way of thinking. I hope to be able to see the film soon. Yamamura's work distances itself from what we are so used to seeing in commercial animation this days.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Surfing the net I came upon this awesome video by Ahmed about the Burning Man event that takes place once a year in the middle of Black Rock desert in USA. He seems to be working on a second part at: NIGHT, that is coming soon.
Computers making computers
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
This video that explains how was the everyday life in the Apple's Macintosh Factory in Fremont, California where Mac SE and Macintosh II used to be produced in the eighties.
My bike got stolen!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
So this is it. Someone broke my bike lock and took my Monty BMX with him while I was in class...My bike riding days are over for a while I guess.
IDEO The Deep Dive
Friday, November 11, 2011
Yesterday Chris and Walter from HORI showed us this video about one of the most influential product design companies in the world. IDEO, based on Palo Alto, California they have done product design for Apple to Nike among many others. ABC Nightline ask them to redesign a shopping cart just in five days, I specialy enjoyed the amazing process and the mind blowing results.
"You have to have some wild ideas, then you build on those wild ideas and they end up being better ideas. If eveybody came up with sane things, kind of apropiate things, you never have any points to take off, to build a really innovative idea"
-David Kelley
It remind me a lot of what we did in Murcia with Moritz Waldemayer and Yvonne Laurysen three years ago. Organized by Andres Perea, Jose Luis Vallejo, Paula Montoya and Izaskun Chinchilla. A weekend just creating stuff from scratch. Awesome experience. Here the link to that post.
Walter Murch at the Boston SuperMeet
Friday, October 28, 2011
Film editor Walter Murch, longtime friend of George Lucas and Francis Ford Coppola gave a masterclass in this yera's Boston SuperMeet It's always great to see such talented people explain their working ethics, habits and tricks.
American Apparel
Thursday, October 27, 2011
The cold weather is back in Madrid and I needed a pullover. I was surfing the net and suddenly I remembered a store I once went last year when I was in Mexico. American Apparel. There are not in Madrid yet, just in Barcelona, but they have an online store so I entered in their web site and saw their factory. It's just amazing how well Americans sell their products. What else can I more now...and be happy. Of course I ended buying a pullover online.
New Room
Friday, October 14, 2011
Today, after some months living in Parque Polvoranca, Leganes with my cousin and her family I found a small nice room in Madrid, not far from Estrecho Metro station. So, I picked up my suitcase and my bike and just move there. I'm going to miss living with Amaia her husband Jose and their children Carlota & Javier, they are crazier and funnier everyday. I really appreciate it how nice they have been with me all this years since I moved from my hometown to Madrid and specially this last couple of months I was living with them. But live goes on and it was time to find my way. I'm going to continue visiting them very often as we are so close. Mental note: I have to go to Ikea to buy some sheets.
Hands-On Rapid Innovation
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Today I started a course organized by UPM titled Hands-On Rapid Innovation with teachers Chris McCoy and Walter Foxworth. I believe it's a good opportunity to take projects from the past, re-think them and come up with new stuff.
Phil & Pat
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The NBA lockout goes on. First two weeks of the competition have been suspended already. Anyway, I realized about the fact that Phil Jackson and Pat Rilley have won 16 NBA championships all together and I decided to take some time and make a photomontage as a tribute.
The American Propaganda Machinery
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
After last year’s David Fincher's most expensive and longest commercial ever: The Social Network. A two hour long movie about a dude that moves to Silicon Valley with a kind of a social media website called facebook, that end up turning him into billionaire at the age of 22. A Fifty million dollar movie, about a triumphal nerd that and which it's questioned even by the title of its own making of documentary included in the DVD; "How Did They Ever Make a Facebook Movie?". the question shouldn't be how but why. Probably there are many reasons, facebook is in everyones mouth, it's just another piece of hollywood enterteinment, it's an exercise on filmmaking, why no?... but I got another one: Done in California, with money that comes from California and returns to California. The message is clear, if you have a good idea, just come to Silicon Valley. This is the place to be. Don't get me wrong, the movie is great, Fincher at his best. But, the propaganda message infused on the film it's undeniable, as happens in many other occasions.
This Christmas, we have to get ready for kind of a different move. I was thinking on it since the moment I knew Fincher was directing an adaptation of Stieg Larsson's Millennium best-seller trilogy. The films were adapted few years ago by a Swedish director. Then, why are Hollywood studios interested on remaking them? It's true that people where hooked with the stories, and US audiences prefer to watching English language movies, but I had some funny ideas in my head, and when I read this interview with the director, I believe all my fear were confirmed.
I'm considered as an expert in perversion but Larsson raised the bar very high with his trilogyMy movie's not pretty, it's brutal. And its violence totally makes sense in Sweden's immaculate landscapeSwedish society seems to be very tolerant and calm. But as soon as you dig beneath it, you find the dark side of the country. Dragon Tattoo succeeds in showing in what way fascism moved from the political sphere toward finance's.- David Fincher
This is going to be probably the feel bad movie of the year that will make you put the Swedish socialist society in no high esteem. I haven't seen the movie, of course. I'm desiring to do so; Fincher is one of my all time favorite directors and one of the bests in his field. I guess the message once again is going to be straight to the head of the spectator: Sweden, a beautiful country; they mannage their money in aproper way, they have big international companies, they are powerful but what you didn't know and we are gonna learn in this movie is that beneath all that everything is rotten. Again, a movie made in California, with money from California. Why the hell are they going to show Sweden as a paradise. America is a much better place. For sure.
I have been once in California, just for ten days, and I would love to go to back. I like the US, I like how they work and I like how they think and do things, from movies to hamburgers. I guess, at the end of the day the propaganda works. We, the people believe it. And if you believe a lot in something then it's just a matter of time before it becomes a reality.
I have been in Sweden too; Twice. Another great place, people is kind and everything is so organized and clean. Winter id too harsh for me, maybe. I have a couple of good friends there and I hope to go back soon to visit them back. But I don't think the movie will show that Sweden I know.
P.S.: While I was writing this, a satirical video from The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, broadcasted on April 2009 came to my mind. Make your own conclusions. All the same, the video is very funny. Here both parts.
NEWS | AHABI + Congratulations to Aaron
Saturday, October 08, 2011
Today we present the brand AHABI to celebrate that AA&NN's co-founder Aaron Busca has graduated in Telecommunications Engineering by Mondragon University this Thursday, having a mark of 9.2 over 10 in its final project about embedded systems. We think AHABI as a division of AA&NN focused on providing creative solutions based on hardware and software to solve problems in our own projects and translate this knowledge to the projects of our clients. We hope to make great things and meet many great people in the road.
This post marks the post number 100 in this chronoBLOG. So, congratulations to ourselves as well.
Steve Jobs dies at age 56
Thursday, October 06, 2011
Steve Jobs passed away. It's so sad to think that he is not going to appear presenting all those pioneering products that year after year have revolutionized the consumer electronics business any more. It's hard to believe that he won't be in Cupertino thinking and working with his colleagues at Apple any more.
But, for the vast majority of us, that just know him from written media or have seen him on YouTube, is going to be specially weird not to have him some in a while around us. That small dose of Steve Jobs that feels so good to everyone, from the rich business man on Wall Street to the lazy student from wherever. The same way we won't have another Kubrick movie, the same way we won't have another Tezuka manga or another essay from Oteiza, we won't have any other Steve's state of the art keynotes presenting us his company's latest creations.
However, Steve, as all great people do, has left a huge legacy behind him. Companies like Apple or Pixar have their roots in Steve's way of doing things and he has become a model for hundreds of thousands entrepreneurs around the world. And that memory, will live forever.
Rest in peace Steve.
Note on the video: The video above is one of my favorites. It was year 1997 and Jobs was just back at Apple to rescue it from bankruptcy. And sure he did. Here the presentation of one of the best commercial campaigns ever done in the computer industry: Think Different. It's amazing how much you can learn from this guy.
IKEA small spaces
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
I was looking for some stuff in IKEA and I found this video on their site. What can I say about the Swedish company that hasn't been said before. Can we consider its catalogue, as the most read architecture magazine in the world? I think so.
The Art Of Osamu Tezuka + JUMPING
Monday, September 26, 2011
I'm back in my hometown and I can finally take a look at the last Amazon order I received almost one month ago. The Art of Osamu Tezuka is a gorgeous book by Helen McCarthy that tells the story of Osamu Tezuka, a Japanese manga and animation artist known as "the god of manga" and considered by many as the Walt Disney of Japan. Tezuka marked a turning point in Japanese manga and anime culture as Katsuhiro Otomo forewords in the book:
It is important to understand that Osamu Tezuka is not the founder of Japanese animation.
There were animators in Japan before him, as well as those working at the same time. Tezuka's work, however, revolutionized the industry by transferring recognized cinematic forms of expression from the silver screen to both his manga and his anime in order to make his stories more appealing to his (initially young) audience. In Tezuka's anime especially, camera conceits such as close-ups, pan/tilt, and so forth contributed to the creation of a realistic feel to his animated features, though initially they caused all sorts of production problems. He also played with varied lighting to enhance mood.
By Tezuka's time, manga and anime had ceased to be the throwaway items they had been before the war, and it is Tezuka's greatest success that he recognized the need to inject wider perspectives and social awareness into his work. This was important after the war, when Disney animation was contributing to the anti -Japanization of Japanese popular culture, and U.S. -supported reconstruction dominated Japan. Today, much of the manga and anime business stands far removed from the fragile system into which Tezuka breathed life, and from some perspectives, imagination seems to have largely given over to the sort of routine against which Tezuka railed. However, there still remain strands of the Master's imagination woven throughout the islands of Japan, and I have faith that even today many of his professional descendents remain true to the standards by which he built an industry.
It is no exaggeration to say that it is largely due to the genius of Tezuka, in those formative years of the country's reconstruction, that Japanese animation and manga have developed into a form largely without comparison in the world. Influenced by the innovations of Disney but guided by his own emotional compass, Tezuka did not demand absolute rigidity of his staff, but he allowed them to explore their own creative processes and unique styles. These were animators who would later go on to create an entire industry, impassioned by their beloved teacher.
Katsuhiro Otomo is the creator of AKIRA, the seminal manga and movie
In its more than 272 pages McCarthy depicts Tezuka's life and work with pictures of all its creative processes, from sketches to drawings, from animation films to memorabilia. A great retrospective work that comes with a DVD as an extra with a 45 minutes long NHK documentary never before released in English, titled The Secret of Creation, in which we got immersed in Tezuka's daily life following him to his remote studio (where not even editors are allowed), to his family house and inside his Mushi Production company where all his animation productions come to life.
For the ones that are not familiar with Osamu Tezuka, to understand his influence it's recommended to visit the website or take a look at the images that are collected here on the left. Even the images speak for themselves, what we see here is an early work of Tezuka, the manga Jungle Emperor (ジャングル大帝 Jungle Taite) also known as Kimba The White Lion that was created back in the fifties and serialized in Japan in Manga Shōnen magazine and later became the first color animated television series created in the country.
On the other hand we see, The Lion King is a Walt Disney production from 1994 and how it clearly 'takes inspiration' from Tezuka's piece. The Lion King is still to this day the highest grossing animation film made with traditional 2D animation and it seats in the fifth position in the overall animation ranking, behind 3D animation titles by Pixar.
JUMPING by Osamu Tezuka
Jumping (1984) is one of those art house films that were produced at Mushi Pro. I first saw this piece in the Spanish La2 channel, TV documentary program "la noche Tematica" special issue about Japanese manga and anime, back in 1998. This film together with other shorts is available on DVD.
The Art Of Osamu Tezuka

Hardcover: 272 pages
Publisher: Abrams ComicArts; Har/DVD edition (October 1, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0810982498
Dragon Tattoo trailer
Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo trailer is here! David Fincher's feel bad movie of the year is coming out on December 12 and the marketing campaign has already started! Few months ago the teaser hit the web and this time is the turn of an almost 4 minutes long trailer. Kellehouse is also involved with Fincher this time in the promotional poster art, keeping on with the nice work done for The Social Network.
Jim Henson 75th birthday
Saturday, September 24, 2011
September 24, 2011 marks Jim Hensons 75th birthday and Google has honoured him with a beautiful doodle. I have always enjoyed the creations of Jim Hensons Company so much, I remembered specially the Fraggle Rock and later on the Muppets Tonight. I'm still discovering the original Muppets Show and many more of Jim's original creations. Of course Sesame Street was an afternoon after-class classic in Spain too when we were children.
Rick Springfield's THE BEAT OF THE LIVE DRUM directed by David Fincher
Friday, September 23, 2011
Today I found a DVD of a 1985 Rick Springfield concert directed by David Fincher. It's always nice to see the first works of such talented directors. I'm waiting for the day in which David Fincher joins Spike Jonze, Michel Gondry, Chris Cunningham and others in the Directors Label series of DVD that showcase the early works of this directors.
Rick Springfield - The Beat of the Live Drum
Directed by David Fincher
Language: English
Studio: Image Entertainment
DVD Release Date: July 2, 2002
Run Time: 71 minutes
Defense first
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
As NBA lockout goes on, the official website is empty of contet related to actual players but full of videos from the past. Take a look at this one, a tribute to Dennis Rodman , who just was elected to NBA Hall of Fame last August.
The Tree Of Life
Monday, September 19, 2011
Terrence Malick's last movie is finaly in Spain. I went to see it last night. It's a kind of movie that after watching it seems that you haven't seen a movie, that you have been there in Malick's mind for more than two hours, looking at what he sees. I still digesting it.
The Evolution of Video Game Controllers
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Great poster from Pop Chart Lab that showcases the evolution of game controllers. Click here for full size picture.
Jonathan Brand's 1:1 papercraft Mustang
Friday, September 16, 2011
Via Make Blog I see that artist Jonathan Brand is building a 1:1 scale papercraft of 1969 Mustang. That reminds me that my Howl's Moving Castle papercraft is still unfinished...
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
AMAZON Spain is here!
"let's be thankful we have commerce, buy more, buy more now and be happy."
-THX1138 by George Lucas
The welcome letter from Jeff Bezos:
The Simpsons Bolognium
Sunday, September 11, 2011
I found this Simpsons clip hilarious and I decided to edit it in Spanish from Spain and Mexico and in original English to compare the jokes.
Friday, September 09, 2011
It seems that Back To The Future is going strong this days. Last month Gabarino stores commercial broke in the internet and now Michael J. Fox Foundation an Nike joined forces to bring back the shoe that Michael himself used in the second part of the beloved trilogy.
Beginning on September 8, 2001, 1500 pairs of the 2011 NIKE MAG shoes will be auctioned on ebay. An auction benefiting the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research. Check out the official back4thefuture site and if you have a couple of bucks go straight to ebay.
Sadly as you can see in the trailer, the 2011 NIKE MAGs won't have powerlaces. We will have to wait until 2015 for the release of the most anticipated shoe ever. What is almost for sure is that something is boiling in the Nike Innovation Kitchen. Above the the patent filled last May by Tinker Hatfield and other designers at Nike. Visit for more.
Moritz Waldemeyer
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
I just discovered a website were I found this video of Moritz Waldemeyer explaining his work among other great guys. We did a workshop with him and Yvonne Laurysen few years ago organized by teachers in GEP from architecture school. I remember it as a big crazy disaster workshop. Three surrealist days were technology and improvisation merged resulting in this.
Moritz Waldemeyer (b.1974) is a British/German designer and engineer. He trained as an engineer at King's College London and completed his Masters degree in 2001. Since then, he has collaborated with many of the world’s top architects and fashion designers including Ron Arad, Zaha Hadid and Hussein Chalayan. His work is a fusion of technology, art, fashion and design.
source: wikipedia
Shuffling BLOG
Monday, September 05, 2011
I'm teacher assistant this year in Architecture School so I will be teaming with Atxu Amann, Marta Maiz, Mariasun Salgado, Gonzalo Pardo, Liana Grigoriadou in the DAI 1; Drawing-One class of first year students in Madrid Architecture School. This years course is called Shuffing and we are gonna spent the last 15min trying to learn to shuffle with LMFAO. The Blog that will cover the works of the students from September to December is this:
NASA the Sagan series
Sunday, September 04, 2011
Yesterday someone posted this great video on facebook. What make me think of using the NASAs "A" for the logo of the blog that I'm designing.
Coke CM Oasis
Friday, September 02, 2011
The NASA video remembered me a Coke commercial. Maybe it's because both deal with human nature kind of problems. I going to add a tag about this in this blog: Human nature. I'm sure there are gonna be many entries related to that topic. We are humans after all.
Arduino Nano
Thursday, September 01, 2011
I just bought an Arduino Nano board. We are looking forward to making cool stuff with it.

"Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments."
NIKE all together now
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
This Nike commercial I saw in is mesmerizing. What a beautiful way of creating something new from archival videos. Andre 3000 performs the famous song “All Together Now” as a cast of NBA goats come together to celebrate Kobe Bryant’s pursuit of his fifth championship.
Company: Nike
Agency: Wieden+Kennedy
Visit official Kobe Bryant YouTube channel
LEVI's to work
Monday, August 29, 2011
Another nice CM by Wieden and Kennedy. If when you buy a pair of Levi's, part of your money goes to make this kind of stuff, I think it's pretty cool. If you like it good, if you don't, well...
NEWS | Introducing AA&NN's ChronoBLOG
Saturday, August 27, 2011

We are a little bit obsessed with having all kind of media organized and classified in AA&NN. The videos, books and the articles we consume everyday are a great source for inspiration and motivation in our projects, and for a long time we have been building a personal archive of everything we find interesting, in our personal hard drives.
Today we have decided to start blogging this kind of stuff instead of keeping it just for ourselves. At the same time, we thought it would be great to start building in parallel, a chronology of events that took place in our lives as well as projects we are working on. This way we would have a a broader view of where we come from and where we are going. In short; we will be blogging both, current and past date events adn new and old projects and events.
We want this ChronoBLOG to be our ultimate archive where we would like to have everything we like, accesible from anywhere, in an easy and a convenient way and shared it with everyone. Our hope is that many people can find inspiration with the stuff collected in here.
Stay tuned to:
This first logo we did for ChronoBLOG was made using typographies from different brands, the first A is from NASA, then comes the A from AUDI, then another A this time from AKIRA. Then comes an N from NOKIA a D from iPod and then come two Ns, the first one from NINTENDO and the second one from SONY.
Day One
Saturday, August 27, 2011
We have just started the blog today. I really don't know why or what for. Maybe just to have a chronological memory of things we see, do and buy. I even don't know if we are going to write in english, spanish or basque and I don't want to think about it right now. What is sure is that there are going to be a lot of old entries because we like looking backward so much.
No much more to say for the first day, let me start earlier, in 1980 something...
Steve Jobs
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Today Steve Jobs has resigned as CEO of Apple due to health problems. Take care Steve and keep on inspiring the world. Here some selected quotes from all this past years:
I've seen the demonstrations on the Internet about how you can find another person using a Zune and give them a song they can play three times. It takes forever. By the time you've gone through all that, the girl's got up and left! You're much better off to take one of your earbuds out and put it in her ear. Then you're connected with about two feet of headphone cable.
When asked whether he was concerned over Microsoft Zune's wireless capability, as a product competing with Apple's iPod, as quoted in Newsweek(2006-10-14)
Look at the design of a lot of consumer products — they're really complicated surfaces. We tried to make something much more holistic and simple. When you first start off trying to solve a problem, the first solutions you come up with are very complex, and most people stop there. But if you keep going, and live with the problem and peel more layers of the onion off, you can often times arrive at some very elegant and simple solutions. Most people just don't put in the time or energy to get there. We believe that customers are smart, and want objects which are well thought through.
On the design of the iPod, as quoted in Newsweek (2006-10-14)
Real artists ship
An old saying at AppleComputer, attributed to Steve Jobs, meaning that it is important to actually deliver
It's more fun to be a pirate than to join the navy
At a retreat in September 1982, as quoted in John Sculley and John A. Byrne, Odyssey: Pepsi to Apple – A Journey of Adventure, Ideas, and the Future (1987), p. 157
Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me ... Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful... that's what matters to me.
On the success of Bill Gates and Microsoft, as quoted in The Wall Street Journal (Summer 1993)
John Sculley ruined Apple and he ruined it by bringing a set of values to the top of Apple which were corrupt and corrupted some of the top people who were there, drove out some of the ones who were not corruptible, and brought in more corrupt ones and paid themselves collectively tens of millions of dollars and cared more about their own glory and wealth than they did about what built Apple in the first place — which was making great computers for people to use.
Statement in The Computerworld Smithsonian Awards Program oral history, (1995-04-20)
You know, I've got a plan that could rescue Apple. I can't say any more than that it's the perfect product and the perfect strategy for Apple. But nobody there will listen to me.
As quoted in Fortune (1995-09-18)
If, for some reason, we make some big mistake and IBM wins, my personal feeling is that we are going to enter a computer Dark Ages for about twenty years.
On the early rivalry between Macintosh and "IBM-compatible" computers based on Microsoft's DOS, as quoted in Steve Jobs : The Journey is the Reward (1987) by Jeffrey S. Young, p. 235
The desktop computer industry is dead. Innovation has virtually ceased. Microsoft dominates with very little innovation. That's over. Apple lost. The desktop market has entered the dark ages, and it's going to be in the dark ages for the next 10 years, or certainly for the rest of this decade.
As quoted in "Steve Jobs : The Next Insanely Great Thing" in WIRED magazine (February 1996)
When you're young, you look at television and think, There's a conspiracy. The networks have conspired to dumb us down. But when you get a little older, you realize that's not true. The networks are in business to give people exactly what they want. That's a far more depressing thought. Conspiracy is optimistic! You can shoot the bastards! We can have a revolution! But the networks are really in business to give people what they want. It's the truth.
Interview in WIRED magazine (February 1996)
I was worth about over a million dollars when I was twenty-three and over ten million dollars when I was twenty-four, and over a hundred million dollars when I was twenty-five and it wasn't that important because I never did it for the money.
Interview in the PBS documentary Triumph of the Nerds: The Rise of Accidental Empires (1996)
Innovation has nothing to do with how many R&D dollars you have. When Apple came up with the Mac, IBM was spending at least 100 times more on R&D. It's not about money. It's about the people you have, how you're led, and how much you get it.
As quoted in Fortune (1998-11-09); also quoted in "TIME digital 50" in TIME digital archive (1999)
The products suck! There's no sex in them anymore!
On products at Apple, just before his return to it BusinessWeek (July 1997)
It's really hard to design products by focus groups. A lot of times, people don't know what they want until you show it to them.
As quoted in BusinessWeek (1998-05-25)
I would trade all of my technology for an afternoon with Socrates.
As quoted in Newsweek (29 October 2001)
The system is that there is no system. That doesn't mean we don't have process. Apple is a very disciplined company, and we have great processes. But that's not what it's about. Process makes you more efficient.
But innovation comes from people meeting up in the hallways or calling each other at 10:30 at night with a new idea, or because they realized something that shoots holes in how we've been thinking about a problem. It's ad hoc meetings of six people called by someone who thinks he has figured out the coolest new thing ever and who wants to know what other people think of his idea.
And it comes from saying no to 1,000 things to make sure we don't get on the wrong track or try to do too much. We're always thinking about new markets we could enter, but it's only by saying no that you can concentrate on the things that are really important.
As quoted in "The Seed of Apple's Innovation"in Business Week (12 October 2004)
I think if you do something and it turns out pretty good, then you should go do something else wonderful, not dwell on it for too long. Just figure out what's next.
"Jobs : Iconoclast and salesman" by Brian Williams, at MSNBC (2006-05-25)
source: wikiquote
CNN interviews Hayao Miyazaki
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Hayao Miyazaki on how they create studio Ghibli in an interview to CNN shown yesterday.
Revisit Rewind Book
Sunday, August 07, 2011
Anders Malmberg from Göteborg game me this book Revisited Rewind when I was visiting him in his hometown a few months ago. It is a book done by four friends, Anders himself made the Sound & Music that is included in an insert CD, Mette Muhli & Markus Andersson took the photos and Roberth Ericsson wrote the texts. The result is a beautiful portrait of the places they lived in and people they knew when they were kids. I like traveling light so I send the book by mail to my hometown, then I came back and went straight to Madrid, so finally, now that is August and I'm back at home I have the chance to seat and read it in the terrace, with the view of Aloña in front of me.
CONCEPT DESIGN | Silestone + Oteiza
Friday, July 01, 2011
We won a prize in this years i+d+art competition about creating new stuff with Cosentino's Silestone used materials. I have been working together with Rodrigo Delso and Javier Argota this days, developing various proposals. In the winning piece, we wanted to pay tribute to basque sculptor Jorge Oteiza, so we decided to make small replicas of his chalk laboratory with parts of broken or used Silestone pieces.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Starring in order of appearance: Dani Bas, Javier Alonso, Lucia Ordovás, Fabio Roberto Scorza, Roberto Garcia, Ricardo Santonja, Ildefonso Fernandez, Javier Seguí and Atxu Amann as Limoneti Visconti.
100X10 is a kind of a summer workshop in which I collaborated as organizer together with Borja Gómez, María Luisa de Miguel, Rodrigo Delso and Javier Argota. ETSAM professors and architects Marta Maiz and Enrique Herrada were so generous lettingt us their house in a small rural village a hundred or so kilometers away from Madrid called Martin Muñoz de Aylon, where we plan to organize activities for ten days. The first year students in architecture school will be able to learn while having fun this July in that beautiful location.
The idea is to invite different kinds of architects so that each of them teaches us their own abilities. Talented professionals such as Atxu Amann, Ignacio Borrego, Andrés Canovas, Sergio del Castillo, Eva Castiñeira, Enrique Herrada, Luis Diaz Mauriño, Victoria Fernández, Julián Fernández, Ramón Gámez, Paula García-Masedo, Martín Lejárraga, Marta Maíz, Fernando Morán, Gonzalo Pardo, Gema Parreño, Almudena Ribot, Marcelo Ruiz-Pardo, Luis Pancorbo, Javier Seguí, Joseba Sánchez, Álvaro Soto... among others are already confirmed. Stay tuned for more on the official website
I have been in charge of creating some promotional videos for the event and I need to thank everyone who participated on them, for being such imaginative and spontaneous. Now everything we need is people ready to learn and have fun in this adventure we have imagined.
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