Hayao Miyazaki's Watercolor tips

Translations via: nausicaa.net

My recommendation. Transparent watercolor is good.
"transparent watercolor has a strong habit", "do not paint stickily and paint after wiping the extra paint and water off", "paint thinly the bright part",

"had better not use white", "paint other color after under color has dried",
"let's mix the color and use it."
1. Light the wool which protrudes on a new painting brush.
2. Anything is fine for a water vessel.
3. A retractable knife is enough for the pencil sharpener.
4. One 2B pencil is enough for the pencil.
5. Divide the palette into seven zones: Bright, Dark, Black, Green 1, Green 2, Blue 2, Blue 1.
6. Do not use the eraser.
7. Do not draw a guideline for a picture.
"these painting materials are enough for a 2-week trip and preparations for a movie."