ALBERT UDERZO dies at age 92

While the whole world is struggling fighting the covid-19, and the death tool is already in the tenths of thousands, Asterix & Obelix co-creator and illustrator Albert Uderzo died in his sleep at age 92. Written by René Gosciny, and illustrated by Uderzo; Asterix's  adventures were first published in France in 1961 as a periodical bande dessinee in Pilote magazine. After the death of Gosciny, in 1977 Uderzo took the role of writing and drawing the adventures of the gaul couple until he retired in 2011 and left the series in the hands of new artists.

I have been collecting Asterix & Obelix albums in Euskara in the past years what led me to make a a guide of every edition of the series released in this language in LainoMehe. Here every album of Asterix published in Euskara organized in their original French publication order:

ᴹ Mars Ivars- edition | 29x22cm | Mars Ivars' numbering from 1-8
ᴳ Grijalbo-Dargaud & Elkar's classic edition | 29x22cm | New numbering from 1-30
ˢ Salvat's new classic edition | 29x22cm | Original French numbering
ᴮᴴ Salvat's Big Format Collection | 35x27cm | Original French numbering

#01 (1961) Astérix le Gaulois | Asterix galiarra | 1978ᴹ | 1991 | 2010ˢ2012ᴮᴴ
#02 (1962) La Serpe d'or | Urrezko igitaia | 1978ᴹ | 1992 | 2010ˢ | 2012ᴮᴴ
#03 (1963) Astérix chez les Goths | Asterix eta Godoak | 1978ᴹ 1991 | 2011ᴮᴴ
#04 (1964) Astérix Gladiateur | Asterix gladiadorea | 1989 | 2011ᴮᴴ
#05 (1965) Le Tour de Gaule d'Astérix | Asterix Galiako itzulian | 1987 | 2012ᴮᴴ
#06 (1965) Astérix et Cléopatre | Asterix eta Kleopatra | 1978ᴹ 1992ᴳ | 2012ᴮᴴ
#07 (1966) Le Combat des Chefs | Buruzagien burruka | 1978ᴹ |  1989 | 2013ᴮᴴ
#08 (1966) Astérix chez les Bretons | Asterix Bretainian | 1987 | 2013ᴮᴴ
#09 (1967) Astérix et les Normands | Asterix eta Normandoak | 1978ᴹ |  1989 | 2013ᴮᴴ
#10 (1967) Astérix Légionnaire | Asterix legionaria | 1978ᴹ |  1989 | 2014ᴮᴴ
#11 (1968) Le Bouclier Arverne | Arbernoko ezkutua | 1989 2016ˢ
#12 (1968) Astérix aux Jeux Olympiques | Asterix joko olinpikoetan | 1989ᴳ 2016ˢ
#13 (1969) Astérix et le Chaudron | Asterix eta pertza | 1987ᴳ 2017ˢ
#14 (1969) Astérix en Hispanie | Asterix Hispanian | 1991ᴳ  2018ˢ
#15 (1970) La Zizanie | Liskarra | 1988ᴳ  2018ˢ
#16 (1970) Astérix chez les Helvètes | Asterix Helvetian | 1978ᴹ |  1992  2019ˢ
#17 (1971) Le Domaine des Dieux | Jainkoen Egoitza | 1987 2019ˢ
#18 (1972) Les Lauriers de César | Zesarren erramu-koroa | 1987 2020ˢ
#19 (1972) Le Devin | Aztia | 1988 2020ˢ
#20 (1973) Astérix en Corse | Asterix Korsikan | 1989
#21 (1974) Le Cadeau de César | Zesarren oparia | 1989
#22 (1975) La Grande Traversée | Bidaia handia | 1990ᴳ
#23 (1976) Obélix et Compagnie | Obelix eta konpainia | 1990ᴳ
#24 (1979) Astérix chez les Belges | Asterix Belgikan | 1991
#25 (1980) Le Grand Fossé | Zanga handia | 1989ᴳ
#26 (1981) L'Odyssée d'Astérix | Asterixen Odisea | 1989ᴳ
#27 (1983)Le Fils d'Astérix | Asterixen Semea | 1989ᴳ
#28 (1987) Astérix chez Rahàzade | Asterix Indian | 1989ᴳ
#29 (1991) La Rose et le Glaive | Arrosa eta ezpata | 1989ᴳ 
#30 (1996) La Galère d'Obélix | Obelixen galera | 1999
#31 (2001) Asterix eta Latraviata | Asterix eta Latraviata | 2001ˢ
#32 (2003) Astérix et la Rentrée gauloise | NEVER PUBLISHED IN EUSKARA
#33 (2005) Le Ciel lui tombe sur la tête | NEVER PUBLISHED IN EUSKARA
#34 (2009) L'Anniversaire d'Astérix et Obélix  | Asterix eta Obelixen urteurrena | 2009ˢ
#35 (2013) Astérix chez les Pictes |  Asterix eta Piktoak | 2013ˢ
#36 (2015) Le Papyrus de César | Zesarren papiroa | 2015ˢ
#37 (2017) Astérix et la Transitalique | Asterix Italian  | 2017ˢ
#38 (2019) La Fille de Vercingétorix | Vertzingetorixen Alaba  | 2019ˢ
#39 (2021) Astérix et le Griffon | Asterix eta grifoa  | 2021ˢ

Out of Collection
● (1989) Comment Obélix est tombé dans la marmite du druide quand il était petit | Nola erori zen Obelix txikitan druidaren pertz barrura 2009ˢ

Film Albums
● (1990) Astérix et la surprise de César : L'album du film | NEVER PUBLISHED IN EUSKARA
● (1990) Astérix et le Coup du menhir : L'album du film | NEVER PUBLISHED IN EUSKARA
● (1995) Astérix et les Indiens : L'album du film | NEVER PUBLISHED IN EUSKARA
● (1998) Les 12 travaux d'Astérix | Asterixen hamabi probak | 2010ˢ | 2021ˢ
● (2006) Astérix et les Vikings : L'album du film | NEVER PUBLISHED IN EUSKARA
● (2018) Le secret de la potion magique  | NEVER PUBLISHED IN EUSKARA

Updated: Jan16, 2022

OTAKING Seminar #306 & #307: Mysteries of Spirited Away

Toshio Okada (岡田 斗司夫) has been creating really interesting video seminars on Japanese animation and manga culture for a long time on his OTAKING YouTube channel, you can subscribe for updates and also join to get full length videos. Now, he is dubbing some of them to English, what makes then a jewell for anyone interested on this subjects.

This first English dubbed seminar is a two part video centered on Hayao Miyazaki's 2001 film Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi (千と千尋の神隠し) known abroad as Spirited Away. The original videos in Japanese language were published on November 2019 and are available in YouTube: Part 1 | Part 2

Okada is a Japanese producer, critic, writer and businessman. Self-proclaimed geek king. He is Otaking representative director. He has served as President and CEO of Gainax Co., Ltd. (first generation), lecturer at the University of Tokyo Faculty of Liberal Arts, and a visiting professor at Osaka University of the Arts.