Dragon Ball by Japanese author Akira Toriyama started its serialization in Japanese Weekly Shonen Jump magazine today. After Dr. Slump, the first long series, that ran from January 1980 to August 1984, Akira Toriyama is back with a kind of a different manga. This time a boy Goku and a girl Bulma will run into the search of Dragon Balls in an amazing adventure road-movie style manga.
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Michael Jordan first game in NBA
Friday, October 26, 1984
Udan Los Angelesen jokatutako joku olimpikoen ostean eta North Carolina-ko Unibertsitatetik profesionaletara salto egin ondoren, laurogeita hamarreko hamarkadan saskibaloia mundu guztia zabalduko duen Michael Jordane-k gaur jokatu du bere lehen partidua Estau Batuetako NBAko Chicago Bulls taldearekin.
Después de los juegos olímpicos de verano y saltando al mundo profesional desde la universidad de North Carolina, Michael Jordan quien en la década de los noventa se convertirá en el estandarte de la globalización del baloncesto norte americano, ha debutado hoy con su equipo , los Chicago Bulls en la liga estadounidense de la NBA.
Michael Jordan who will change the game of basketball forever in the 90's started playing today in the NBA after the Olimpic games this summer and jumping from the University of North Carolina.
AKIRA vol. 1 published in Japan
Friday, September 21, 1984
Gaur argitaratu da Japonian Katsuhiro Otomo-ren AKIRA komikiaren lehen liburua. AKIRA Kodansha argitaletxearen YOUNG MAGAZIN-ean argitaratzen hasi zen serie bezela 1982ko abenduaren 20ean. Gaur arte argitaratu diren 41 ataletako lehen 18ak batzen ditu liburu mardul honek. Argazkian liburuaren azala eta azpi azala.
Hoy se ha publicado en Japón el primer libro recopilatório de AKIRA, el manga de Katsuhiro Otomo que viene publicándose en la revista YOUNG MAGAZINE de la editorial Kodansha desde el 20 de diciembre de 1982. Este primer libro recopila los primeros 18 episosios de los 41 publicados hasta el día de hoy. En la foto la cubierta y la sobre cubierta del libro.
The first volume of Katsuhiro Otomo's epic manga AKIRA was released in Japan today. AKIRA started its serialization on Kodansha's YOUNG MAGAZINE on December 20, 1982 and this volume collects the first 18 chapters out of the 41 published to this day. In the picture, the dust jacket imageand the inside cover image.
Wednesday, September 19, 1984

Gaur estreinatu da Estatu Batuetako zinema aretoetan historiako konpositore handienetakoen luzemetraia bikaina. Peter Shaffer-en MADEUS, Milos Formanek zuzendua. Hona hemen trailerra.
Hoy se estrena en las salas Estado Unidenses una de las mayores producciones de uno de los más grandes compositores que jamás ha existido. AMADEUS de Peter Shaffer, dirigida por Milos Forman. He aqui el trailer.
Today has been released in the US one of the greatest movies of all times about one of the best music composers of all time. Peter Shaffer's AMADEUS directed by Milos Forman. Here the trailer.
Kaze no Tani no Nausicaä (風の谷のナウシカ)
Sunday, March 04, 1984

Today it was released in Japanese theaters the animation film that led to the founding of Studio Ghibli; Kaze No Tani No Nausicaa (風の谷のナウシカ). Directed by Hayao Miyazaki who together with Isao Takahata would found one of the most successful animation studios in the world. The illustration featured here was director Miyazaki's favorite to be on the first original poster, but finally another one was used.
As it's usual with Japanese anime productions, a diversity of books and video releases were published over the years. Here a list of some of these original Japanese editions:
風の谷のナウシカ 全7巻箱入りセット (KAZE NO TANI NO NAUSICAÄ BOX SET)

The manga that inspired the movie. Written and directed by Miyazaki himself. It was published sporadically thought the period of twelve years, from February 1982 to March 1994 in Animage Magazine and collected in 7 books. This new box set design was released in 2003.
Publisher: Tokuma Shoten (徳間書店)
Release date: 2003-X-31
Language: Japanese
Number of pages:

Retail price: ¥3,443
ISBN-10: 419210010X
ISBN-13: 978-4192100106
Amazon JP: https://amzn.to/2MFg7SW
Amazon US: https://amzn.to/36619gf
Amazon CA: https://amzn.to/365gr57
Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/2MDGGrD
Amazon DE: https://amzn.to/367sSgu
Amazon FR: https://amzn.to/2sjXs8k
Amazon IT: https://amzn.to/2SAC5u6
Amazon ES: https://amzn.to/2SwgDGx
ISBN-13: 978-4192100106
Amazon JP: https://amzn.to/2MFg7SW
Amazon US: https://amzn.to/36619gf
Amazon CA: https://amzn.to/365gr57
Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/2MDGGrD
Amazon DE: https://amzn.to/367sSgu
Amazon FR: https://amzn.to/2sjXs8k
Amazon IT: https://amzn.to/2SAC5u6
Amazon ES: https://amzn.to/2SwgDGx
Publisher: Tokuma Shoten (徳間書店)Release date: 1996-XI-30
Language: Japanese
Number of pages:
Size: 4.5 x 22.5 x 30.5 cm
Retail price: ¥12,388
ISBN-10: 4198699011
ISBN-13: 978-4198699017
Amazon JP: https://amzn.to/2F1YzMp
Amazon US: https://amzn.to/2Q63N0b
Amazon CA: https://amzn.to/2F0fAXx
Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/2t9Kv0H
Amazon DE: https://amzn.to/2Q5SvJ8
Amazon FR: https://amzn.to/2EXO9gZ
Amazon IT: https://amzn.to/2taE8dw
Amazon ES: https://amzn.to/39liFzm
This book collects all the watercolors Miyazaki did during the serialization of the manga. Each illustration includes a comment by Miyazaki.
This book digs deep in showcasing the various art techniques that are needed to make an animation film as rich as this. The book collects backgrounds, sketches, storyboard, image boards, character designs and everything else used in the production of the film.
Steve Jobs introduces the Macintosh
Tuesday, January 24, 1984
1984ko urtarrilaren 24ean, ni jaio baino 6 hile lehenago, Apple-ek Ordenailu pertsonalen historian eman den aurrera pausu handienetako bat aurkeztu zuen: Macintosh-a. Hona hemen aurtengo SuperBowl-ean, Ridley Scott-ek zuzenduriko komertziala.
El 24 de enero de 1984, seis meses antes de que yo naciera, Apple presentó lo que sería uno de los mayores avances en la historia de los ordenadores personales: El Macintosh. Este es el anuncio publicitario dirigido por Ridley Scott que fue emitido en la Super Bowl de aquel año.
On January 24 1984, six months before I was born, Apple introduced one of the biggest leaps in the history of Personal Computers: The Macintosh. Here, the commercial shown at this years Super Bowl, directed by filmmaker Ridley Scott.
El 24 de enero de 1984, seis meses antes de que yo naciera, Apple presentó lo que sería uno de los mayores avances en la historia de los ordenadores personales: El Macintosh. Este es el anuncio publicitario dirigido por Ridley Scott que fue emitido en la Super Bowl de aquel año.
On January 24 1984, six months before I was born, Apple introduced one of the biggest leaps in the history of Personal Computers: The Macintosh. Here, the commercial shown at this years Super Bowl, directed by filmmaker Ridley Scott.
Ray Kroc died today
Saturday, January 14, 1984

Mundu guztira McDonald's jatetxeak zabaldu dituen gizona hil da gaur. Esquire aldizkariko Tom Robbins-ek esan zuen bezala..."Colonek Amerika aurkitu zuen, Jeffersonek asmatu eta Ray Krock-ek Big Mac-izatu egin du". 1977an argitaratutako autobiografian zehatz mehatz kontatzen ditu Ray-k bere bizitzako pasarteak.
El Hombre que convirtió los restaurantes de comida rápida McDonald's un icono de escala global falleció hoy. Como bien lo definió Tom Robbins de la revista Esquire..."Colon descubrió América, Jefferson la inventó y Ray Krock la Big Mac-izo". Ray cuenta su vida al detalle en su autobiografía publicada en 1977.
The man who made McDonald's fast food restaurant a worldwide known icon passed away today. As Tom Robbins from Esquire magazine defined..."Columbus discovered America, Jefferson invented it, and Ray Kroc Big Mac'd it.". Don't miss how Ray tells his American success story in his autobiographical book.
Grinding It Out: The Making Of McDonald's by Ray Kroc
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