First Computer at home

The year 2000 comes to it's end and we finally decided it's time for a computer. The basque government gives a 45.000 pts discount so our parents have bought us a PC tower. Here the specs and a pic of the monitor:

Pentium III 800Mhz Processor
Savage 32MB AGP graphics card 
20GB Hard Drive
2USB ports
10XDVD unit
17inch Samtron 75E CRT 1280x1024

Price: 243.000pts (discount of 45.000pts) = 198.000pts>1190€ the EUR to USD Currency Exchange Rate is appropriately 1€>1.1$ (in late 2000) so that will be approx.1300USD* That was a ton of money for those years in our house.

I'm writing this in march 2012 so is really great to see how much everything has changed in a decade. My brother and I knew nothing about computers those days, and now everything we do  is related with them. For example, in my laptop I draw with a Wacom, I edit videos, I write, I post, I stay tuned to wha´s going on in the world with Internet, I watch videos online and I work and speak with my brother, who precisely has become an Telecommunications engineer in this period of time.

Today techies are already talking about the post-PC era. I just hope things will change to better as much as they have in the last years.

*if we adjusted with the inflation to the day this post is written, March 2012, $1,300USD in 2000 had the same buying power as $1,743.16USD  in 2012. 


Aloña basketball team 2001

Right to left. (standing) Ioannes Busca, Michael Zelaia, Josu Arregi, Etxebe, Jonatan Martín, coach Iñaki, Ibai Osa, Iñigo Bikuina, Beñat Madariaga, Ander Zelaia, Mikel Maiztegi

This is our team roster for the 2001 season. We are back with the team mates of two seasons ago. We have all change a little bit in two years.

playing with a iBook

This Easter Holidays our cousins bring to Macotera an awesome computer the Apple iBook. My brother and I have been playing with it and learning a little Macromedia Flash. It's been a great experience, we need a computer at home!