The Sustainable Urban Development Reader by Wheeler, S.y Beatly, T.

Publisher: Routledge; 2 edition (October 20, 2008)
Language: English
512 pages
ISBN-10: 041545381X
ISBN-13: 978-0415453813
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Green Urbanism by Timothy Beatly

Publisher: Island Press; 1 edition (December 1, 1999)
Language: English
491 pages
ISBN-10: 1559636823
ISBN-13: 978-1559636827
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Once There Were Greenfields: How Urban Sprawl is Undermining America’s Environment, Economy and Social Fabric by F. K. Benfield, D.T.T. Chen, M.D. Raimi

Publisher: Natural Resource Defense (March 24, 1999)
228 pages
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1893340171
ISBN-13: 978-1893340176
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Transit Villages in the 21st Century by Michael Bernick and Robert Cervero

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Companies (October 1, 1996)
Language: English
Hardcover: 387 pages
ISBN-10: 0070054754
ISBN-13: 978-0070054752
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Sprawl Costs: The Economic Impacts of Unchecked Development
by Robert Burchell, Anthony Downs, Sahan Mukherji, Barbara McCann

Publisher: Island Press; 1 edition (June 29, 2005)
Language: English
208 pages
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ISBN-13: 978-1559635301
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The Next American Metropolis by Peter Calthorpe

Publisher: Princeton Architectural Press, 1993
Language: English
176 pages
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ISBN-13: 978-1878271686
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Aesthetics, Well-Being and Health: Essays Within Architecture and Environmental Aesthetics (Ethnoscapes) by Birgit Cold (Editor)

Publisher: Ashgate Pub Ltd (March 2002)
Language: English
321 pages
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ISBN-13: 978-0754618560
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The Smart Growth Manual by Andres Duany

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Language: English
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This Land: The Battle over Sprawl and the Future of America by
Anthony Flint

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Language: English
312 pages
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The Ethical Function of Architecture by Karsten Harris

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Language: English
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The Death and Life of Great American Cities, 1960 by Jane Jacobs

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Language: English
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Language: English
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Asphalt Nation: How the Automobile took Over America and How We Can Take It Back by
Jane Holtz Kay

Publisher: University of California Press; Reprint edition (October 1, 1998)
Language: English
440 pages
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ISBN-13: 978-0520216204
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The New Urbanism: Toward an Architecture of Community by Peter Katz

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional; 1 edition (October 1, 1993)
Language: English
288 pages
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ISBN-13: 978-0070338890
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Home from Nowhere: Remaking our Everyday World for the 21st Century by James Howard Kunstler

Publisher: Touchstone Press; 1ST edition (March 26, 1998)
Language: English
320 pages
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ISBN-13: 978-0684837376
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Urban Design: The American Experience by Jon Lang

Publisher: Wiley; 1 edition (February 25, 1994)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0471285420
ISBN-13: 978-0471285427
528 pages
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Environmental Aesthetics: Ideas, Politics and Planning by J. Douglas Porteous

Publisher: Routledge (August 19, 1996)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0415137691
ISBN-13: 978-0415137690
312 pages
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Ecourbanismo by Miguel Rouano

Publisher: Watson-Guptill Pubns (May 1998)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 8425217237
ISBN-13: 978-8425217234
192 pages
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The City After the Automobile: An Architects’ Vision by Moshe Safde

Publisher: Westview Press (October 9, 1998)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0813335450
ISBN-13: 978-0813335452
200 pages
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Other readings:
Science vol. 16, 13 December 1968
“Environmental Ethics and the Built Environment” by Roger King
Env. Ethics, 22:115-131, 2000