Inside the ILM Headquarters

Video info:

Grantland takes you into the storied confines of George Lucas's Industrial Light and Magic headquarters to marvel at the art and relics from Lucas's films, including the Yoda fountain, original 'Star Wars' character sketches, Slimer from 'Ghostbusters,' and much more.
Produced and directed by Joe Braswell

Stuart Freeborn dies at age 98

Stuart Freeborn, the man behind the creation of the puppets and any type of creatures we saw in movies such as 2001: Space Odyssey and Star Wars passed away today at age 98. In the picture above we see Yoda, Stuart and Irvin Keshner director of the second installment of Star Wars: the Empire Strikes Back. On June 1997 when Star Wars Episosode I was on production, the guys from the creature workshop showed Sturat who was already retired, what were they working on a quarter century after the creation of Yoda. This short was included in the DVD of Episode I.

American Experience: Silicon Valley

American Experience is a series of Documentaries by PBS that has been running for 25 seasons now. This episode aired on february 5th  brings an inside view to the first days of Silicon Valley. Here a 16 min preview.

American Experience: Silicon Valley directed by Randall Maclowry

Format: Color, NTSC
Language: English
Studio: PBS
DVD Release Date: March 12, 2013
Run Time: 90 minutes

Available in Amazon US / JP / ES

House of Cards

Today it was released in Netflix the complete first season of House of Cards which first two episodes were directed by David Fincher.