Mirai Shounen Konan (未来少年コナン) known as 'Conan, the Boy in the Future', the 26 episode animation series based on Alexander Key's novel The Incredible Tide is celebrating its 40th anniversary. Produced by Nippon Animation, the series premiered across Japan on the NHK network between April 4 and October 31, 1978, on the Tuesday 19:30-20:00 time slot. This science fiction epic is one of the first TV shows in which Hayao Miyazaki had a major role as director, crafting the storyboards and designing the characters and layouts among other tasks.
The series has been released in multiple video formats over the years and many books have been also published in Japan where the series is a timeless classic:
●未来少年コナン Blu-rayメモリアルボックス
●未来少年コナン Blu-rayボックス
●未来少年コナン メモリアルボックス
●未来少年コナン 30周年メモリアルボックス
●未来少年コナン 全7巻セット
●未来少年コナン Blu-rayボックス
●未来少年コナン 30周年メモリアルボックス
●未来少年コナン 全7巻セット