This year STOY competition's central theme was jurbaning: playing in the streets. The point was to make people play in the street and to design a game or a toy that will help to do so. The idea had to be presented in a big poster that was going to be hung in the bus stop marquees.

Our approach was to try to open some people eyes. We spend so much time in front of screens that sometimes it is good to remember that there were times without screens, and were fun times too. We chose some mayor companies, very influential ones, that made us stay in from of screen for decades and made a kind of anti-publicity of them. Facebook becomes Fakebook, anyone that uses the platform understands what we mean with that. Apple's logo becomes an Apple core, the part you throw away, and finally Super Mario becomes Super Mareo (Super dizziness in Spanish), referencing how you fell after long hours immersed playing in 3D worlds.

We think the streets are already cool and many things can be done in them. It's just great when people of all ages starts using urban furniture in a way no designer has thought before. And specially children, they don't really need complex rules or big name architects and designers to tell them how to play, people are smart enough to find their way. The thing is that parents must be proactive and let children explore and encourage them to: 'PLAY REAL, switch off screens and meet your friends'.