Logo design for the contest organized by th 9th College Sport Championship in Euskadi. The idea was simple,  to  remake the classic Olympic color rings with the championship's acronym. 

DESIGN | Projects Jury

There are different Projects class units in Architecture School. Usually when you are in a unit you don't really know what's going on in the others. This year they have decided that once every semester there are going to be some kind of projects jurys in which all the units will present a selection of their best worksand will get feedback from the others. AAGRAFA has been recording those sessions that took place on November 17, 18 and 19. Each day has been collected in two discs, one with the morning session and the other from the afternoon session. The set are now available in ETSAM library with the deposit numbers [V-945], [V-946] and [V-947] respectively. (The artwork shown is the cover of the six DVD pack that collects every session)

DVD DESIGN | Picado-De Blas ¿Redondo?

We have just released another AAGRAFA DVD. A  conference by Architects Picado-De Blas. Available now on ETSAM library with the deposit number [V-958].

TRIBUTE VIDEO | Javier Seguí Super Size

This video recorded for AAGRAFA, is a performance that Atxu Amann has been preparing with her  first year Madrid Architecture School students for a couple of months. Professor Javier Seguí from the Ideation Department will retire soon, and they have decided to pay him a tribute by taking one of the small drawings he usually does in his notebooks and translate it in to a huge matrix of 8 by 8 Din-A0 size drawings. This is the resulting video.


Yesterday, I went to Matadero in Madrid where a friend of  mine, Pablo Muñoz, was participating in a workshop with Jose Luis Vallejo and Ecosistema Urbano. They were recording people on the streets and making videos and I had the chance to collaborate in one of them. The pictures that appear overlapped are the first result shown in Google when introducing the words that the woman says. It's funny to think that the video would be different if it was done in another country, or in someone else computer, or just in another date... Who knows how Google algorithms work. Anyway, The music is a 'Ilde Classic' courtesy of  Ildefonso Fernández, the master and commander behind AAGRAFA

The Right Stuff 25th anniversary

25 years ago, on October 21, 1983, one of the greatest movies of all time was released in North America. Directed by Philip Kaufman and with music by Bill Conti this epic film narrates the space race that took place on the sixties between the URSS and the USA. 2 Disc DVD Special Edition available in in Amazon US / ES / JP

DESIGN | Introducing Chestnut Edition

Today we are introducing CHESTNUT EDITION, a label that marks all those DVDs created in AAGRAFA, that we are no so proud of, but we can't do anything to fix them.

Our tasks in AAGRAFA-VIDEO Department are to record conferences and classes and to deliver them on DVD so that students and professors have access to them in the ETSAM Library. We always try to do our best, starting from capturing the best image possible using multiple cameras and having two different audio tracks per camera, so that we have the best material to produce a high quality DVD, burned at a speed never higher than 4X*. There are times however, were things just go wrong and even if  we try to fix them up in post-production, sometimes the final product just leaves much to be desired.

The person that takes this DVD home is our biggest worry in AAGRAFA. And thinking on how disappointing for someone would be to take home the latest conference by Toyo Ito, insert it on the DVD player, laying on the couch and just when you are ready to enjoy it... getting realized that the video is only available in Japanese, and it's not even subtitled.

We thought that something should be done to warn the viewer before this happens. That's why we created the label CHESTNUT EDITION, to insert it on the front covers of this kind of DVDs. We hope not to have many of them, but whenever needed, that's the label that will tell the potential viewer that something went wrong and that the product he or she is  about to take home, doesn't meet the high quality standards that AAGRAFA is known for. In these rare occasions we can only say one thing: "We are sorry, enjoy this Chestnut Edition as much as you can"

AAGRAFA "pixel matters"

*IldeTest have shown that burning at low speeds produces a disc with 0,00001% less bugs that the overall high speed recordings.


Logo design for the international contest organized by EYCA, European Youth Card. The previous logo was Hercules with European stars around, so we thought it would be fun to simplify it, and just take a curly hair out of Hercules head as a logo.


I ordered this CD because of it's cover art drawn by Katsuhiro Otomo. I then realize that the author Ken Ishii EXTRA had a great music animation video directed by Koji Morimoto, who has collaborated with Otomo in many occasions.

ROCK MONSTER STRIKES BACK by Ken Ishii & Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra

Epic records / 25 min
Release date: 1996.07.21

Track Listings
1. ロック・モンスター・ストライクス・バック
2. エクストラ
3. 同(ダムズ・テクノパラ・リミックス)

Available in Amazon US / ES / JP

WORLD APARTMENT HORROR directed by Katsuhiro Otomo

Based on a manga work written by Katsuhiro Otomo and drawn by Satoshi Kon, World Apartment Horror is the film adaptation directed by Katsuhiro Otomo. I was looking for this DVD for a long time and I've just found it in Amazon Japan Marketplace.


Directed by Katsuhiro Otomo
SME - Visual Works 
97 minutes / Color / Dolby / Letterboxed /Japanese
Release Date: 2001.08.22
    Available in Amazon US / ES / JP

WARNING! by Katsuhiro Otomo

Today I found in Amazon Japan marketplace WARNING! CHARACTER DESIGNS OF GENMA TAISEN by Katsuhiro Otomo. A hard to find book with sketches and designs by Otomo for the 1983 Rintaro directed movie Genma Taisen a.k.a Harmagedon.

WARNING!キャラクターオブ幻魔大戦 by Katsuhiro Otomo

Kadokawa / 88 pages / Japanese
Release Date: 1983.05
Check availability on Amazon US / ES / JP

Hayao Miyazaki at Venice Film Festival

It's not usual of him to travel abroad to promote his films, but this time, Hayao Miyazaki has attended to the Venice International Film Festival for the world premiere of his latest film: Gake no Ue no Ponyo (崖の上のポニョ).


I remember watching Alfred J. Kwak on TV when I was a kid. This animation serie was different to others. Always sad things happened to little Alfred. But it was great. I saw this single on Amazon Japan and I ordered. It's a 8cm CD with just two tracks, in a kind of a wide box I never saw before but I suppose it's common in Japan.

約束だよ [Single]  by Megumi Hayashibara

Label: Polydor
CD (1997/3/5)
Run Time: 7 min

Track Listings:
1. 約束だよ(林原めぐみ)
2. ハッピー・ハッピー(同)

STEAM BOY OST by Steve Jablownsky

I just ordered from Amazon Japan Marketplace the Soundtrack of Steam Boy by Steve Jablonsky released on CD by JVC in Japan on July 14, 2004. The CD comes in a custom wide digipack with a transparent plastic slipcase


STEAM BOY Starter Kit

Before Katsuhiro Otomo's Steam Boy was released in theaters, a DVD box designed by match55go and titled STEAM BOY Starter Kit came out on June 25, 2004. The set included a short animation film "48 X 61" directed by Rintaro dedicated to Otomo, a talk between Otomo, Rintaro and others, the making of SteamBoy, a promotional clip, a T-shirt designed by Otomo and a sticker with the title logo. I ordered it from Amazon marketplace for few bucks.


Dragon Ball Daizenshū #6

Today I ordered the sixth volume of the Daizenshū Dragon Ball encyclopedia.


Shueisha / 214 pages / Japanese
Language: 日本語, 日本語
ISBN: 978-4087827569
Release Date: 1995.12.09

DESIGN | MuKide logo

We won the first prize in a competition organized by MuKide for the design of a logo for the Mondragon Universitys ex-alumny association. 

MuKide, the name of the association, means in basque Mondragon Universtity Friend so the logo is  a variation of the actual Mondragon University MU logo, and represents a hug, as if two good friends embrace each other with arms. 

Aaron who is currently studying telecommunications engineering in MU received a Nintendo Wii as price. Will we end up going back to video game playing days?

DESIGN | Jose L. de Miguel FLEXION / OBRA

We have just finished digitalizing two films from 1976 in AAGRAFA. The videos by Jose Luis de Miguel, professor of structures in Madrid Architecture School. Available with the deposit number [V-816] in ETSAM Libary.

DESIGN | Sold Out logo contest

SOLD OUT logo design contest entry. A mask made out of an S and an O representing the brands work in cultural and artistic fields. The infinite symbol refers to the brands open approach to many different markets.

DESIGN | Sika award 2008

We have teamed up with Beatriz del Castillo and her friends for the 2008 Sika Architectural Competition. This year's theme was "Profitable City". The proposed idea was to merge the colors of the city with the colors of brands. Coke is red, Orange, the telephone brand is orange and Caja Madrid has a green bear as a logo. So this is it. Simple idea and fast execution. We were awarded with a mention.

LAB | DBBP Dragoi Bola Berreskuratzeko Proiektua

Laurogeita hamarreko hamarkadan ETB1-ean ikusten genuen DRAGOI BOLA beste hainbat neska mutikok bezela. Akira Toriyama-k sorturiko komikian onarritutako animazio serie japoniar honen 153 atalak DRAGON BOX delako 25 diskako kutxa baten argitaratuak izan ziren Japonian 2004ko uztailaren 7an, DVD formatuan. Ordurako DRAGOI BOLAren jarraipena den DRAGOI BOLA Z salgai zegoen Japonian, izan ere urte bat lehenago, 25 diskako kutxa bana kaleratu baitzituzten, 2003ko martxoaren 13an DRAGON BALL Z DVD BOX vol 1 eta hile batzuk beranduago 2003ko irailaren 18an DRAGON BALL Z DVD BOX vol 2.

Guztira 75 diskaz osaturiko hiru kutxetan DRAGOI BOLA eta DRAGOI BOLA Z guztia eskuragarri zegoen japonian 2004ko uztailerako; hori bai, japonieraz eta hiru mila euro baino gehiago ordainduta, kutxa bakoitzak 150,000yen balio baitzituen. Bien bitartean geu, ea Dragoi Bola DVD formatuan Euskal Herrira noiz iritsiko desioan eta euskarara bikoiztuta aterako ote zenaren irrikaz.

2005eko otsailean, manga Films ek eta Salvat-ek Dragoi Bola DVD formatuan kaleratuko zutela iragarri zuten, Erderaz eta estatuko hainbat  hizkuntzekin, katalanez, galizieraz eta baita euskaraz ere. Tamalez japonierazko jatorrizko bikoizketa etzuen ekarriko. Serie originalaren 153 atalak 51 DVDtan argitaratzea erabaki zuten, bi asteroko aldizkakotasunez, eta 15 euroko prezioan. Kolekzioak guztira 765 euro kostatuko zituen urte luze batean zehar banatuta. Audio kalitatea nahiko onekoa eta argi eta garbi entzuten zen arren, edizioaren  irudiaren kalitate eskasa eta prezio altua zela eta, interneten erabateko desadostasuna erakutsi zuten jarraitzaileek. Izan ere, Manga Films-ekoek master japoniar berriztuak erabili beharrean telebista autinomikoen airerapenetan erabilitako master zaharrak erabili zituzten eta gaur egungo telebista aparatu eta formatu digitaletan era guztietako zikinkeria eta master zaharren higadura erabat nabarmenak ziren. Hona hemen edizio espainola eta japoniarra alderik alde, DVDtik bertatik ateratako irudiak parekatuta.

Dragoi Bolak DVD formatuan Espainian izandako sarrera kaxkarraren ostean, 2006ko ekainean Selecta Visión-ek DRAGOI BOLA Z master japoniarrekin argitaratuko zuela iragarri zuen autonomietako hizkuntzekin eta baita japonierarekin ere.  Inork etzekien ordea jatorrizko DRAGOI BOLArekin zer gertatuko zen, Manga Filmsek berriz kaleratuko ote zuten master berriak erabilita edo edizio tamalgarri horrekin geratuko ginen betirako.

Urteak igaro eta inongo berririk etzegoenez honen inguruan, nire anaiak eta biok 2007ko gabonetan hasi genuen DRAGOI BOLA BERREZKURATZEKO PROIEKTUA (DBBP). Izan ere Manga Films-en edizioko DVD guztiak kaleraturik zeuden jada eta eskuragarri geneukan materiala erabilita ziur geunden edizio kaxkar hori baino zerbait hobea egin genezakela. Hainbat buruausteren ondoren DVD japoniarretan oinarritutako euskara eta japonierako edizio bat egitea erabaki genuen. DVD japoniarren irudia ez genuenez berriz kodifikatu nahi, kalitaterik gal ez zezan, nolabait lekua bilatu behar genion euskarazko audio pistari DVDetan sar zedin. Horretarako DVD japonairrak hainbat programei esker konputagailuan desegin genituen lehen bizi. Japoniar audioa estereoa 448kbps-etan kodifikatua zegoen, eta erdira, hau da 224kbps kodifikatu ezkero kalitatearen galera apenas nabarituko zen, era horretan euskarazko pista monoaurala 192kbps-etan sar genezakeen soberan zegoen lekuan eta segurtasun margina bat geneukan badaezpada ere. DVD japoniearrek sei atal zekartenez gure edizioak ere sei atal izango zituen. Menuak guztik berregin genituen euskaraz eta atalez-atal edo istorio eran ikusteko aukerak jarri genizkien DVDei. 

Horrela, gaur, 2008ko maiatzaren 16an Dragoi Bolaren lehen diska berregiten bukatu dugu. Prozezu luzea izan da, DVDen barne  estruktura  ulertu eta anitz programa berri erabiltzen ere ikasi behar izan dugu, baina behin lehenengoa eginda, prozesu guztia sistematizatu dugunez bigarrena egitea askoz errexago gertatuko zaigu dudarik gabe.

Proiektu honetan buru belarri genbiltzala, Dragoi Bolaren atalak YouTube-ra igotzea ez zitzaugula ezer kostatzen bururatu zitzaigun. YouTube-k 10 minutuko bideoak besterik ez dituen arren igotzen uzten. Halabeharrez, Dragoi Bolaren atalak hasierako eta bukaerako kantuak kenduta, bi zatitan banaturik daude beti eta nahikoa dira 10 minutu zati hauetako bakoitza igotzeko. Beraz edozein momentutan YouTubeko kanala itxiko digutelaren jakinaren gainean gauden arren, guk ez bait daukagu seriearen egile eskubiderik, egin beharreko gauza bat dela iruditu zaigu Dragoi Bola YouTube-n euskaraz jartzea eta horrela mundu guztira zabaltzea euskara bera. DBBProeiktua kanala estreinatu genuenean Dragoi Bola bertan topa daitekeen  euskarara itzulitako serie bakarra zen. Euskara ikastea helburu duen edozeinendako, txikitako Son Gokuren abenturak berriro bizi nahi dituenarendako eta nola ez jarraitzaile berri ororendako. 


Now you won’t have to worry about how you place your LERSTA IKEA lamp. With the DUSTLIC™ filter the dust will not penetrate keeping the light bulb clean thus enhancing it’s lighting performance. DUSTLIC™ is easy to install and remove.

International and Japanese printed advertising campaigns for DUSTLIC™, a prototype created for a design class in Architecture School of Madrid in 2008 with professors​ of GEP: Grupo de Experimentación Proyectual.

Boards read like this

Ya no tiene porque preocuparse de cómo coloca su lámpara LERSTA de IKEA, con el filtro DUSTLIC evitara que el polvo entre en su interior, manteniendo la bombilla limpia y mejorando el rendimiento lumínico. DUSTLIC es fácil de instalar y desinstalar. Visite la pagina web aaandnn.com.

Now you won't have to worry about how you place your LERSTA IKEA lamp. With the DUSTLIC filter the dust will not penetrate keeping the light bulb clean thus enhancing it's lighting performance. DUSTLIC is easy to install and remove. For more information visit: www.aaandnn.com

今や、どのようにLERSTAアイキーアランプを置くかについて悩む必要がありません。 DUSTLICフィルタで、塵は、電球を、 クリーンである 従って強化するようにしておくことに侵入しません それ 性能に点火する。DUSTLICは、インストールし、取り除きやすい。モル情報以下を訪問のために www.aaandnn.com

In this year projects class we were supposed to start with two ideas and transform them making prototypes in the process. I have been working on DUSTLIC and the DBBP projects together and presented both in the simplest possible way. I believe that a project is a problem and what the designer is supposed to do as architect is to solve it in the most efficient way. In this case I solved the problem of the dust in my lamp with a simple easy to produce piece of plastic. I designed a plastic cover for my Ikea Lersta lamp called DUSTLIC to prevent dust from getting in when I put it looking upwards so that the light is not direct. This is a problem that potentially millions of owners of this lamp might have, being a cheap lamp sold all over the world. But suddenly the question transformed...  
Do all these users know they have this problem? And if so, do these users know that this problem they have, now can be solved with DUSTLIC? The product is designed having that in mind from the very first moment and the final boards summarize the process. The only way of reaching the attention of consumers is by commercial campaigns that explain the product in an easy way so that everyone can understand it. Everyone but teachers, I guess. I decided that the best way of explaining the project is with printed ad campaigns as the ones shown in everyday magazines (left: international campaign / right: Japanese campaign). Those campaigns would communicate the idea to potential consumers.  -Ioannes

Visit the website: https://aaandnn.com/lab/grod/

CONCEPT VIDEO | Expertizacion - Taller Murcia

The students of this years GEP class, we spent four days from April 9 to 12, in a workshop in Centro Parraga, Murcia with Moritz Waldemeyer and Yvonne Laurisen as guest stars, and teachers from Madrid Architecture School Paula Montoya, Izaskun Chinchilla, Jose Luis Vallejo and Andrés Perea.

The point was to get there with some stuff we were already working on in class, and Moritz and Yvonne would help us to become experts in whatever we wanted, in a couple of days. At least, that was the initial plan, they called it: "Expertization".

Our team named Noise Reduction was formed by: Elena Alvarez, Enrique Bayarri, Miguel BeloquiIoannes Busca, Silvia Echeverria, Guillermo Fernandez & Raul Nieves. After having a lot of fun playing with everything that everyone had in mind, buying weird stuff and mixing it all together, we finally end up creating a project where a building facade was supposed to respond to the noise produced in the streets.

The process, where so many new ideas emerged, has been the most rewarding part of the workshop. It's  hard to explain the experience. I think we all had a great time. It's difficult to imagine a better environment to create crazy weird stuff.


This old VHS, recorded in my first year in Madrid Architecture School. Javier Seguí and Ricardo Santonja made a kind of interactive class using camcorders and projectors to find cool frames and stuff. Today, five years later was finally released in DVD and is available in the ETSAM Library.

Clase Interactiva Javier Segui / Ricardo Santonja
29 min. /Deposit Number [V-819]

Architecture + McDonalds

Today I ordered thee great books from Amazon. The first two are  architecture related and the third one...well, it's also an architecture book, what the heck.

Eames House: Charles and Ray Eames (Architecture in Detail) by James Steele

Eames House is the house that Charles and Ray Eames build and lived. This book collects the plans and pictures as well as the story behind the building. 

Phaidon Press  / 60 pages /  English
ISBN-10: 0714842125
ISBN-13: 978-0714842127

Le Corbusier: Moments in the Life  by Arthur Rüegg (Editor), René Burri (Photographer)

An awesome compilation of pictures of some of LeCorbusier' s most iconic buildings. Magnum photographer René Burri shows us the buildings the way magazines never do, once they are used and deteriorated, once people have lived in the buildings.

Birkhäuser Architecture / 181 pages / German & English
Publishing date: 1995.06.27
ISBN-10: 3764359994
ISBN-13: 978-3764359997

Ray Crock's biography that tells the story of how he met the McDonald's Brothers and took their restaurant to a globalized franchise as we know today.

St. Martin's Paperbacks / 218 pages / English
Publishing date:1992.04.15
ISBN-10: 0312929870
ISBN-13: 978-0312929879

DESIGN | ETSAM Library logo

The Architecture School Library where I actually work, was looking for a logo, so they prepared a competition where I was awarded with the second price and got the thick book  I'm holding in the picture. The book was not so interesting to me so they let me change it for an A+U monograph about Cecil Balmond,  a Monograph about Konstantin Melnikov and some other books.

Logitech Z-5500

Today I bought this magnificent 300€ sound system, I hope to have some money soon to buy a projector and start enjoying movies in a big screen.

AKIRA DVD Special Edition

I just received a superb edition of AKIRA on DVD, the 1989 anime film directed by Katsuhiro Otomo. This japanese gorgeous box set includes the film with English and Japanese audio tracks and English subtitles, a second disc with plenty of bonus material and a 800 page book with the complete storyboard of the film drawn by Otomo himself. This edition is out of stock but you can always check out the Amazon Japan Marketplace.

Some of the videos included in the bonus disc, explain the processes called Quick Action Recording, a technic used during production to check the animation.

DESIGN | Rafael Moneo lectures from 1995

DVD collection design for AAGRAFA from a series of lectures given by architect Rafael Moneo at Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid in the 3rd Biennial of Spanish Architecture that took place in 1995. 

Those are probably the DVD covers I'm most proud of, above all the ones I did all this years in AAGRAFA. This time we had to digitalize a bunch of old VHS tapes containing lectures given by Rafael Moneo at the III Biennial of Spanish Architecture in Círculo de Bellas Artes on 1995. Each of the lectures focused on a architect so I decided it would be cool to meld Moneo's face with each of the architects he was speaking about. If you really like architecture talks, all this six lectures are a are a must watch. Believe me, they are really, really interesting. Available now on ETSAM libary.  -Ioannes

III. Bienal  de Arquitectura española
Ciclo de conferencias en el círculo de Bellas artes
Principios diversos en seis arquitectos contemporaneos

Rafael Moneo: James stirling
1995-XI-14 / 110 min / Deposit number [V-808]

Rafael Moneo: Aldo Rossi
1995-XI-15 / 95 min / Deposit number [V-809]

Rafael Moneo: Peter Eisenman
1995-XI-16 / 118 min / Deposit number [V-810]

Rafael Moneo: Alvaro Siza
1995-XI-21/ 112 min / Deposit number [V-811]

Rafael Moneo: Frank Gehry
1995-XI-22 / 118 min / Deposit number [V-812]

Rafael Moneo: Rem Koolhass
1995-XI-23 / 121 min / Deposit number [V-813]

Vist the website: https://aaandnn.com/design/moneo/

Richard Rogers Box Set

The first time I learned about architect Richard Rogers' work was in my first year of college. I did a presentation work about Centre Pompidou building in Paris by architects Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers. I immediately got fascinated with the building and specially with the early seventies projects of those young architects.

There are various books collecting the works of Richard Rogers. I once borrowed from the school Library Richard Rogers+Architects a book published by Academy Editions in 1985. It was so used and deteriorated that I scan it to preserve it and try to restore it before bringing it back.

Another book I took home those days was Richard Rogers complete works volume 1 and volume 2. Both were thick hardcover books. Some years later a third volume was published and the three of them were collected as paperbacks in a fancy pink box. Now that this box is on sale in Amazon I just ordered it. 

Richard Rogers Complete Works - 3 Volume Set by Kenneth Powell

Phaidon Press Inc / 960 pages / English
Publishing date: 2008.03.05
ISBN-10: 0714848662
ISBN-13: 978-0714848662